Saturday, January 14, 2023

secual assault hotline

Secual Assault Hotline - You can take an active role in increasing your safety or the safety of those you care about. While there's no way to eliminate the chance that something could happen, there are strategies that can reduce your risk or give you the confidence to prevent sexual assault.

Sexual assault is a violent crime - hostile attack - an attempt to injure and humiliate. It is not the result of "uncontrolled passions." Sexual assault can happen to anyone. It can happen anywhere and anytime, in public or in your own home, day or night.

Secual Assault Hotline

Secual Assault Hotline

Criminals are by no means strangers. In fact, in one-third of reported cases, the perpetrator is an acquaintance, neighbor, friend or relative of the victim. Sexual assault is one of the most under-reported crimes. Most criminals continue to commit crimes until they are caught, so it is important to report any type of sexual assault to law enforcement.

Sexual Assault Prevention And Counseling Center

Consent is an agreement between participants to engage in sexual activity. Consent must be expressed clearly and openly. A verbal and firm expression of consent will help you and your partner understand and respect each other's boundaries.

Consent cannot be given by minors, those intoxicated or impaired by drugs or alcohol, or those who are asleep or unconscious. If someone consents to an activity under threat or duress, this is not considered consent because it is not freely given. Unequal power dynamics, such as engaging in sexual activity with an employee or student, mean that consent is not freely given.

Sexual assault can happen in any situation and is never your fault regardless of the circumstances. However, by taking steps such as traveling with friends and avoiding alcohol and drugs, you can significantly reduce your risks of becoming a victim. Many attacks take place in or near the victim's home.

Don't risk it. Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you - especially when you're alone or in the dark. Know where help is when you need it.

Sexual Violence And Harassment

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